The National Weather Service issued a “Winter Storm Warning” yesterday. They predicted we would receive 8 to 12 inches of snow by midnight, but we didn’t come close. I have mixed emotions about this one. I love the snow and would love for Juneau to receive more, but, on the other hand, it’s that much less we have to plow or shovel.
Snow can be a mixed blessing, for sure.
Greetings from Eagan City to Egan Drive! One of our past mayors is named Tom Egan. That's a little trivia for the day.
I'm tired of snow - I don't want to see any more snowplows!
Thank you for your visit my blog and looking at all those snow photos :)
Our latitudes are 62°36′00″N, 29°45′50″E, so our winter will continue still whole March and after that snow start to melt step by step.
Nice Sunday to you, Gwyn!
Mother Nature just does what she wants, no matter how unpredictable.
Yeah, I'm leaning toward 'let Spring begin;. MB
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